Free cancellation, usually upto 48 hours before collection due, and no amendment fees, but subject to any change in vehicle rate, length of rental.
Extras like child seats, GPS and extra drivers are readily available, but can be added after booking for no extra charge.
About Richmond
Sitting on the banks of the River Thames, Richmond has a lot to offer. With the rugby grounds of Twickenham and the Stoop nearby, it is an ideal place to soak up the match day atmosphere of big rugby games.
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In fact, Richmond has over forty seven pubs within a half mile radius of the town centre. The Sun Inn, which is not on the main street, but close to the train station can be a good spot to bump into rugger players after a big game. If good food is your preference, then they are also many good restaurants to eat at, after a busy day's shopping.
Free cancellation, usually upto 48 hours before collection due, and no amendment fees, but subject to any change in vehicle rate, length of rental.
Visit LondonThe shopping is Richmond is diverse, from the main high street shops, to the quirky curio shops on the alleys and side streets. Take a walk up the hill and over the bridge as well. If walking is your thing, then a walk along the river to Twickenham is a great way to relax, especially if you stop off at pubs along the way.
These are just some of the attractions that Richmond has to offer:- Richmond Bridge, Richmond Hill, the Park, the Green, the Theatre & Palace are just some of the others.
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21st May 2020