Changes to your booking are without charge, but can be affected by any change in car price, once booking made.
Cancellations are free of charge, usually upto 48 hours before collection, so please check terms.
Around Dunedin & New Zealand
New Zealand is south and fairly close to Australia and sits alone in the Pacific Ocean. The island is split into two islands, North and South Island with other smaller islands surround the two larger islands.
We offer cheaper minivan hire in Dunedin.
Auto rental made easier and quicker.
Compare SUV hire rates today & save.
Compare quality, but cheaper, vehicle rental.
Rent discounted MPVs to seat, 7 to 9 people.
Save when book here, and always best book early.
Visit the local vineyards, with a diverse geographical landscapes, head south and catch the Picton ferry to South Island. With it being isolated, some would say it is set in a time warp. For example, at weekends in
Auckland with its modern business building, it is common to to see the locals driving through the city streets in pickups with hunting dogs in the rear.
Most of people tend to think of Auckland as the the capital city of New Zealand, when in fact it is Wellington and it has the added virtue of being the most southern capital city in the world. Skiing is possible in mountain ranges that surround Wellington.
The city continues to recover from the fairly recent earthquakes, so
Christchurch definitely warrants a visit, as plenty to do and see.
If off to Oz later in your trip, then check prices here:-
17th July 2020