About Saudi Arabia
When in Saudi Arabia, places to head for in Saudi include the Al-Hada Resort in the mountains and the Al-Kar village much lower down. You can get between the two by cable car, that covers the 4,000 meter distance.
Other unknown aspects on this seemingly arid land, include the vast ranges of forestry. Around 30m live here. The main religion is Islam. Spending money is the Saudi Riyal. Call the country on +966. They have some oil apparently!
Saudi Arabia motoring at cheaper than usual rates.
Renting a Ranger in Riyadh made easy.
Budget rates for driving around Saudi Arabia, found here.
Can also be spelt Jiddah or Jedda, but there are no knights! Sits on the Red Sea. Heading towards 4m people live here.
This is the capital and has over five million inhabitants.
We can offer a meet and greet service all the major airports including Riyadh, Medinah, Taif, Yanbu, Jeddah and Dammam Airports. We can also provide a one way service free of charge.
10th August 2020