You can take the train that to Frankfurt Sud and Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof. Travel time is around 11 minutes to these destinations. The train leaves every 15 minutes. If you would rather take then bus, there is one departing every 20 minutes. Journey time is about 30 minutes to get to Frankfurt central.
Enjoy hiring a vehicle for less, for Franfurt Airport
Auto rental for Frankfurt driving, is easier with a GPS..
Cheaper autobahn motoring can be booked here.
Rent that lower cost 4WD SUV today.
We have good rates on a wide range of 7 seat minivans..
Range of SUVs to rent at lower rates.
Frankfurt Car Rental & Travel
Enjoy maximum convenience when arriving to Frankfurt. Be sure to prepare, not just your travel tickets and hotel accommodations.
It pays to book your own car for use around the city as well, so you can explore everything that Germany has to offer and see all the great sites in Frankfurt.
Frankfurt Tourism
If travelling here and like to know more, then before you go pop to the
Germany Tourist Board.
Looking for car hire in another
part of Germany?.
17th Sep 2020